The story of
Dale Kesterson
Dale Kesterson was born in Manhattan, NY and grew up on Long Island. Since then, she has lived in six widely diverse locations, from New Orleans to deliberately moving to a town so small it does not have a red-yellow-green traffic light.
She has been creating stories and putting them on paper since the age of seven, even writing and producing a neighborhood play at twelve. Life, however, kept her busy doing things such as majoring in science in college, teaching math and science, studying nursing, and managing a small home business with her husband.
Odd creative opportunities presented themselves throughout the years, however, with two highlights. Dale did a two-year stint with an opera company where she performed pantomime characters while singing with the chorus and she worked on a radio show as an anchor and character voice artist.
She co-authored the first two Time Guards novels, and now pens the Lauren Kaye Mysteries. RESORT TO MURDER is the introductory novel of a new series, and STAGED FOR DEATH will follow in the spring of 2022.
Dale is a seasoned traveler who is also a professional photographer. In 2018 she auditioned for a part for a community theater and has been active as an actress, singer, and assistant director with two local community theaters in her area.
She lives in southwest Kansas with her husband (of over 30 years) and their hairless cats. When she’s not writing, performing, or appearing at conventions as an author or panelist or songstress, she does handcrafts. This lady hates being bored!
7… and counting
Books Published
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Murderous Intensions: A Lauren Kaye Mystery
Too bad the dance will be someone’s last.
Maybe even yours.
Lauren Kaye, Daily Gleaner reporter, is surprised when police captain Danny O’Brien asks if she will accompany him to the black-tie Valentine’s Day charity fund-raiser organized by his best friend Robert Mallory. She agrees, after he explains they will be seated at Mallory’s table, despite having barely a week’s notice.
Preparations proceed smoothly until a series of anonymous letters start popping up. It seems someone believes O’Brien is responsible for a death and wants the policeman to suffer the agony of watching a person he holds dear die at the formal gala.
With time running out, at least two lives on the line, and spurred by escalating threats, O’Brien, Lauren, and Mallory race to uncover which mysterious figure from the law officer’s past wants to even the score at the Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance by attending with Murderous Intentions.
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“I just finished reading Murderous Intentions – the third book in the Lauren Kaye Mystery series. Like the two previous books, this one did not disappoint! Kesterson is a master storyteller! Her characters are captivating, clever, and endearing. The book transports the reader back in time, immersing us into a world of old-fashioned gumshoe detective work, mystery, and charm. These books are a delight to read! I can’t wait for the next one!
Terri L., Springville, AL
“I’m so excited about the new Lauren Kaye Mystery, Murderous Intentions! If you haven’t read Dale Kesterson’s other two books [Resort to Murder and Staged for Death], you are absolutely missing out!!! These novels are clean and so action packed you won’t want to put them down. The novels don’t have to be read in order, and are absolutely stellar. I promise they are a must read! Five stars on Jumpmaster Press!”
Val L. Garden City, KS
“A well-done work. Resort to Murder is a great little whodunit. It has a diverse gallery of characters, multiple events and twists, competent characterizations, and the length of the story is just right without overstaying its welcome. It earns its place on any mystery lover’s shelf.”
Kayan R., Knoxville, TN
Awesome, I’m not normally a mystery fan, but after reading the first Lauren Kaye Mystery, Resort to Murder I couldn’t wait to read Staged for Death. It did not disappoint, loved every word of it. Whether in a police station, newspaper office, or opera company it was authentic and believable. Great action and suspense.
Arthur L., NY, NY
Lauren Kaye is a savvy journalist with a nose for mystery, and she’s definitely way ahead of her time in post WWII New York. Both books in the series have characters you would love to know in real life. This series is a winner! I’m waiting for book three!
Lee M., Palm Springs, CA
Staged for Death is a delightfully well written mystery in the Lauren Kaye series. It features a nostalgic setting, relatable charactors, and an engaging plot that pulls you in and keeps you searching for clues. I wasn’t familiar with the author, but I’ve now made room to give Dale Kesterson’s works a place of honor on my book shelves. I’m excited to read the other books in the series.
A. Davis, Amazon
Other Books

Resort to Murder: A Lauren Kaye Mystery

Staged for Death: A Lauren Kaye Mystery

Lauren Kaye Box Set
Get the whole series!

Dreams of Time and Space

Devil to Pay:
Time Guards Volume One

Four Score and Seven:
Time Guards Book Two

Tales of the Interstellar
Bartenders Guild

Dale Kesterson
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Special events updated as scheduled!
August 16-18, 2024
Geek’d Con, Shreveport Convention Center 400 Caddo Street, Shreveport, LA 71101
I will be there with my publishers, Gene & Kyle, at the Jumpmaster Press Traveling Bookstore! Come see us!
August 24-25, 2024
Hub City Comic Con, 1501 Mac Davis Lane, Lubbock, TX 79401
I will be there with my publishers, Gene & Kyle, at the Jumpmaster Press Traveling Bookstore! Come see us!